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From ELC right through to Year 12, Wellbeing permeates everything we do.

Students are supported to focus on their own and other’s wellbeing.

In Junior School we focus on providing a safe and nurturing learning environment that recognises and caters for the diverse academic, artistic, cultural, health and pastoral needs of students. Students and teachers work together to create positive behaviours and attitudes so students can make positive choices, be self-disciplined, resilient, confident, creative, passionate, and compassionate individuals who care for each other.

In Senior School, students are supported by a network of Wellbeing leaders, Mentors, subject teachers, and senior leaders, as well as school psychologists and counselling.

A weekly student Wellbeing check in (delivered through a customised app) helps us to provide individual support and tailor our programs to address emerging concerns. Our Positive Education Enhanced Curriculum supports students to develop skills they need to build positive relationships, better understand themselves and what it takes to achieve their goals.

Students also participate in The Stand-Up Project, learning about the bystander effect and why it is important to act. They then share their knowledge with younger students. In 2023 our Year 10 students will also undertake Mental Health First Aid training so they can better support their friends.

Student communities are a critical element of our wellbeing approach. In addition to Year level and House activities, an extensive range of Student Clubs (Art, Music, Choir, Debating, Library, Writers German, Drama, Dance, Pride!, Science and Tech) and leadership opportunities provide opportunities for students to connect and build relationships outside of the classroom.

We work closely with our brother school Brighton Grammar to do combined events and provide students with cross-school opportunities including joint school productions, swap days, social events, and community projects.

We have also partnered with the Danny Frawley Centre for Health and Wellbeing and St Kilda AFLW. This partnership provides further positive role modelling, input, and training in strategies students can use throughout their life.

Families are also regularly invited to build their knowledge on how best to support their child. Opportunities include guest speakers, workshops, parent information sessions and access to School TV, which offers parents a wealth of wellbeing resources.

A female student smiling to her classmate